
Joined: December 25, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 376703
Gender: F

boesch_44's Favorite Quotes

Stop Being So Damn Cute


Life’s not about people who act true to your face. It’s about people who remain true behind your back.

This quote does not exist.

I will use memories.
But I will not allow memories to use me.


it took her years to build up confidence
and seconds to shatter it.

On Christmas Eve

What other people are thinking: I WONDER WHAT PRESENTS I'LL FIND TOMORROW MORNING!!!!

Me: We don't have a chimney....How the heck does Santa get in here? Our roof is pointed at the does he balance the reindeer and sleigh on something like that? If Santa's in the North Pole....What's in the South Pole????


My mum says dinner is ready, i rush downstairs only to see thats she's still cooking.
This is why i have trust issues.

If you could go back and just change one

thing about your life, would you? And if you

did, would that change make your life

better? Or would that change ultimately

break your heart? Or break the heart of

another? Would you choose an entirely

different path? Or would you change just

one thing? Just one moment. One moment

that you've always wanted back.


not my format.

, * cries under the mistletoe with a bottle of vodka *


I've been seeing a lot of guys who I was friends with when I was younger (like 2-5) and now they're all hot and I'm like yeah.