
Joined: June 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 180706
`·.¸ . Caitlyn Larie

Heeeey. My naame is Caitlyn(:  My passion is softball. Along with singing, acting, playing guitar, and playing piano. Taylor Swift is my inspiration for every sticky situaation im in. Music shows me why I'm alive and what my purpose in the world is. When it comes to guys, my friends say i go for the ugly ones. but I could caare less cause they dont know some of the things they say to me. Personality is ALL i care about in a relationship pretty muuch. With a couple more qualities of course. well follow me if you like my quotes!(: 

                                                                                                                                                 love yous!,

Quotes by caitylk

I'm done wishing to seeyou,
I'm Done wishing you would call me
I'm done wishing you would text me...
I'm done wishing we could both have our first kiss,
I am wishing for you to get butterflies when someone says my name.
I am wishing for you to stop hating me...

i am wishing for you to tell me your sorry,
I am wishing for you to tell me you never stopped loving me.
+i already know that these wishes are to good to be true, but its  WORTH A SHOT..

So i went to the Taylor Swift concert yesterday with my 2 best friends and the opening song was Sparks fly. The song that reminded me of my boyfriend. by the end of the day, it was Haunted. He consistantly called me when we were trying to find our car but i kept ignoring the call because i was with my mom. And then he texts me " we need a break" then my phone died. OF COURSE! But this didnt bother me one bit so when i got home i texted him then he became a total dick and i think its because he wanted to show  off in front of his friend. here is some of the conversation we had:
me: i just have a lot of stuff going through my head right now.
him:say em
me: no. i lost complete trust and hope for you
him: okkkk.
-a minute later-
him: hope? wt?
me: hope you would change in a way. and more. no need for details.
(this is where it gets fiesty)
him: change? im not the only one needing too mmmmmk
me: i didnt mean it like that! what did i ever do to you!!?
-no answer-
me: no comment.... mmmmk.
him: im sorry i was watching Jersey Shore with my best friend. Im sorry my life isnrt dedicated to answering every single thing you say.
me: this is annoying. im done. i just wanted to know. before all this happend you were one of the nicest and sweetest guys i knew. wht happend between a day?
him: i stopped liking you thts wht happend. your just mad tht i broke up withcu so stop hatin.
me: im mad cuz i dont know why your acting like this!
him: ok well were not going back out mmmmmk:)
me: wasnt planning on it mmmmk

this was just a vent im not looking for faves. and this was a really ugly looking story. any advicee?
Why say the sky's the limit,
If there is more than the sky

Why reach for the stars,
if you cant touch them?

Why start everything ,
if  it always ends ,
because thats  life ,
and you have  to live it 
because you never know when it might end
&Always hope because, 
 dreams do come true

nmfnmq (its my friend's)





When everyone in your family leaves your house when your friends show up.


Spongebob quotes #1:
"welllll, after a nice, long day of camping its nice to unwind with a nice,relaxing campfire song."



Spongebob quotes #3,
"NO! he's not just a bubble! He's a Bubble Buddy! He's my friend! And I love him! Havent you ever had a very special friend?"
"So, what do you say?"
mob of fish: "POP THAT BUBBLE, Pop that bubble!"


Spongebob quotes #2,
spongebob: "My friend's in there"
(pointing to the bathroom which Bubble buddy is in)
random fish in line: "Congratulations!"


Spongebob quotes #1:
"This time i have something I know you can do!"
"You're going to open a jar!"
"Now get a jar."
(patrick picks up what he thinks is a jar)
"Patrick, thats a pickle..."

never gets old



What % are you hated in school??
[ ] Gotten a referral
[ x]Gotten detention
[ ]Gotten your cell phone/iPod taken away
[ ]Gotten suspended
[ ]Gotten caught chewing gum during class
[x]Gotten late to a class more than 10 times(French was on the other side and on another floor.)
 [x] Didnt do homework over 5 times
[] Returned at least 2 projects in late
[x] Missed school cause you felt like it
[] skipped class at least 1 time
[] laughed so hard you got kicked out of class
[x] Texted people during class
[x] Passed notes
[x] Threw stuff across the room
[x] Laughed at the teacher
[x] Went on facebook, myspace, friendster , xanga , or Witty on the computer at school
[x] Took pictures during school hours
[] Called people during school hours
[x] Listened to an ipod/ cd player/mp3 during class
[] Hit a teacher or student with a textbook
[] Gotten a call home
[] Couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved bad
[x] Didn't take your stuff to school
[] Gotten a detention and didn't go
[x] Used passes from other days/Or made fake pass
[] cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear
[] Slept in class
[x] Played basketball with paper balls using the trash can as a basket
[] Threatened a teacher/(told off a teacher)
[] Felt hungry during class and went home to eat
[] Treat the teacher as invisible
now times this by 3…
 48% hated;D