
Joined: May 23, 2007
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 45775

My name's Carly
I live in Massachusetts
I'm a sophomore at Providence College
i'm 19 years old
love playing guitar
writing is another pasttime
i'm a music junkie :)

I have a boyfriend named Jason. He's 20 and he's in the Air Force stationed in New Mexico. He is my best friend, even though he lives 2100 miles away and we only see each other a few times a year. The distance means nothing to me, because he means everything.

Music I like:

Killers, Paramore, Taylor Swift, The Receiving End of Sirens, Dave Matthews Band, Saosin, Lovehatehero, A Day To Remember, Four Year Strong, A Loss For Words, A Rocket To The Moon, Owl City, Beatles, Bob Marley, Britney Spears, Bob Dylan, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pink Floyd, and so much more...

i love you. :)


Comments to carlynoel

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Steve 8 years ago
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Welcome! Let me know if you need help. I made this site.
GotLyrics 1 decade ago
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Here's your request:

Witty messed up the spacing a tiny bit but it's not that big of a deal.
If you'd like something changed, let me know. (:
rawrxiitsxcarrie 1 decade ago
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well I have No clue when my period is supposed to come. anytime this month though, probably in a week or two.
I had on the 30th and 31st of December.
That being said, it's only been like 4 days.
WAY too soon to really know anything. I'm just paranoid.
But I didn't think about what the consequences might be of unprotected until AFTER everything happened :\
GotLyrics 1 decade ago
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"not gonna lie, just totally got rick rolled. wasn't even mad though, just died laughing. haha "

rawrxiitsxcarrie 1 decade ago
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well like...
theres a possibility of pregnancy for me..
I'm just wondering what the earliest signs are, and when they occur?
Also, whats the odds of pregnancy for a 16 year old? (I'm 16). Isn't it the younger you are, the more fertile?
What about ovulation? I'm irregular, so can ovulation even play a role?

Sorry for all the questions. I go to a private christian school, so they don't teach us this stuff.
MyEye6 1 decade ago
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Haha, go check out Steve's profile (((just search Steve))) and he has that code on his profile in red =]
GotLyrics 1 decade ago
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Here are your requests:

If you don't like anything, I'll change it. :)
colorfulworldxsynesthesia 1 decade ago
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quest is finished. its on my page. i like your quotes!!
waitwhatxx12 1 decade ago
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im glad haha (:
waitwhatxx12 1 decade ago
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i made your quote, if you dont like it , then tell me and ill make a new one (:
waitwhatxx12 1 decade ago
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thanks , and of course i will (: .. just let me know which part of the song you want and if you want any specific colors or anything (: