
Joined: December 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 246340

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Write anything in here.. please don't change the picture without my permission. Enjoy :)

What time is it where you are? I miss you more than anything. Back at home you feel so fat waiting for the phone to ring. It's getting lonely living upside down. I don' even wanna be in this town. Trying to figure out the time zones making me crazy. You say good morning when it'midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset and it's driving me mad, I miss you so bad. And my heart is so jet lagged. What time is it where you are? Five more days and i'll eb there. I keep your picture in my car.. I hate the thought of you alone. What time is it where you are? I miss you more than anything. Back at home you feel so fat waiting for the phone to ring. It's getting lonely living upside down. I don' even wanna be in this town. Trying to figure out the time zones making me crazy. You say good morning when it'midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset and it's driving me mad, I miss you so bad. And my heart is so jet lagged. What time is it where you are? Five more days and i'll eb there. I keep your picture in my car.. I hate the thought of you alone.
What time is it where you are? I miss you more than anything. Back at home you feel so fat waiting for the phone to ring. It's getting lonely living upside down. I don' even wanna be in this town. Trying to figure out the time zones making me crazy. You say good morning when it'midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset and it's driving me mad, I miss you so bad. And my heart is so jet lagged. What time is it where you are? Five more days and i'll eb there. I keep your picture in my car.. I hate the thought of you alone.

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