
Joined: April 19, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 357512
Gender: F
Im lovin niall james horan

cheyluvs1dforever's Favorite Quotes

I always try not to laugh when people yell at me
because they think they're so tough when in reality I couldn't care less about what they have to say.
Well I think most of you heard about the bombing at the Boston Marathon
There's this girl on my track team who's dad was running in the Boston Marathon today.
She heard about it , and was trying to contact him. I guess she was having a hard time getting in touch with him though. She was crying the whole time, and she's really shaken up. I just want you guys to please take a few seconds to pray for her family, and all the other people who were injured and killed in the Marathon today. It's terrible that this would ever happen. It really sickens me that people would go and bomb a place like that. It just goes to show that you're never safe anywhere you are.
*Phone rings*
Me: Should I pick it up?
Me: It's probably just a commercial ad.
Me: But what if it's different this time?
Me: What if it's actually an emergency?
Me: What if someone is dying and there life depends on me?
Me: *Runs to picks up phone*
Me: Hello?
Phone: Hello this is Verizon Wireless and—
Me: ...

*Two hours later*
Mom: Who threw the phone out the window?
Nicknames are always ten times funnier
when people don't know they have them.
I know you've been hurt by someone else.
I can tell by the way you carry yourself.
If you let me, here's what I'll do.
I'll take care of you.

Some people make it so easy for you to trust them,
when all they're going to really do is hurt you.
Sometimes it's  when you really need someone
and they are gone.
So close yet so far away.
Yes, I may meet a million pretty girls
that know my name
but don't you worry, no
cause you have my heart

I’m blonde; I must be stupid.

I’m brunette; I must be boring.

I have red hair; I must have a fiery temper.

I have black hair, I must be eccentric.

I dye my hair; I must be trying to be someone.

I wear make-up; I must be fake.

I wear skirts; I must be a slag.

I like football; I must be a lesbian.

I’m rich; I must be spoilt.

I’m poor; Imust be a tramp.

I wear black; I must be a goth.

I wear hoodies; Imustbe causing trouble.

I’m skinny; I muststarve myself.

I’m curvy; I must constantly eat.

I’m smart; I must be a nerd.

I’m independent; I must be a loner.

I cry; I must be a baby.

I’m not like you; I must be weird.

I’m like you; I must be copying.

I’m religious; I must make you be the same.

I’m young; I must be naïve.

I’m old; I must be unable to look after myself.

I’m a teenager; I must always be up to no good.

I’m a straight-A student; I must have no social life.

I have no job; I must be lazy.

I have a good job; I must be a snob.

I’m foreign; I must be pocketing your tax.

I am human; I must be stereotyped.
