
Joined: March 22, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 285751


If you dont like me get over it cause i dont care.
About Me:)
Name- Kristen
Age- 15
Date of Birth- 9/26/96
Family- 10 borthers (8 fostered) 7 sisters (6 fostered) Single Mother
Friends-MadiMoon and Jessieboo789

Quotes by critchy


i need a life lol

hell with solo cups we use elephant cups:)
Fav if your cousin is like your twin that you never had:)

~for my cousin kat~ love ya girl:)

7th-12th grade love<3
since you have read this, you will be told good new tonight 
if you dont re-post this, your worst week starts
One of the Top Rules of Being a Player.........

You Don't Play another Player its not a fun or easy game

My Crush:
say your crushes name 6 times
now close your eyes and make a wish about them
decide whats more important love, or 10 million dollars
now make another wish about love or the money
repost this in 60 seconds with the subject "my crush"
and you'll get an unexpected talk from your crush

High School

Freshman: Hay i'm a Freshman LoL High School class 20whuteva women
Sophomores:Damn i hate this plase forget school forget teachers forget everyone this isn't fun anymore
Juniors: LoL We're almost there that's gotta count for something right?
Seniors: forget yea. I'm outta here. top notch.women bow before me

Well when something seems to good to be true it usaly is:(
if you have 35+.. you're spoiled :3
[ ] own car
[x] cell phone
[ ] own phone line
[x] bf/gf
[ ] own bathroom
[x] own room
[ ] 2 or more story house
[ ] built-in pool
[ ]guest house
[ ] game room
[x] tv in your room
[ ] Double Bed
[ ] more than 20 pairs of shoes
[ ] 10+ things from a designer store
[x] good grades
[ ] Dior sunglasses
[ ] louis vuitton purse
[x] iPod
[x] XBOX
[ ] PS2
[ ] mp3 player

[7] Total.

[ ] Mercedes Benz
[ ]BMW
[ ] basketball hoop
[ ] air hockey table
[ ] pool table
[x] ping pong table
[ ] trampoline
[ ] live ON a lake or pond
[ ] own a pair of skiis
[ ] own a snowboard
[x] has a boat
[ ] has a jet ski
[ ] has a beach house/ cabin

[2] Total

[ ] only child
[ ] stereo system in bedroom
[x] DVD player in bedroom
[ ] 100+ dvd's
[ ]gets $50+ for allowance each month
[ ] goes shopping every month...or every week
[ ] shops at abercrombie
[ ] goes snowboarding/ skiing every weekend
[x] makeup
[x] cologne/perfume
[ ] AIM
[ ] MSN
[ ]5+ trophies
[ ]own digital camera
[ ]walk-in closet

[4] Total.

[ ] electric scooter
[ ] dirt bike
[ ] 4X4 truck
[ ] guitar/drums
[ ] hammock
[ ] been on a cruise
[ ] traveled out of the country
[ ] weight set/ workout set in house
[ ] personal fit trainer
[x] expensive jewerly
[ ] met a celeb
[x] straightener/ curling iron
[ ] gets hair done/nails/spas
[ ] on/was on a Varsity team for the school
[ ] own batting cage
[ ] 100+ in wallet/ purse right now
[ ] own savings account
[x]1+ BEST friends
[ ] been to the carribean
[ ] been to europe.
[ ] been to hawaii
[ ] been to NY

[3] Total.

[ ] shopped in seattle
[ ] eaten at the space needle in seattle
[ ] been on the eiffel tower in paris
[ ] been on the statue of liberty in NY
[ ] been on the honor roll for 2+ years
[ ] went on a trip for sweet sixteen birthday
[ ] lives on a private property
[ ] license
[x] moved 3+ times
[ ]sports car
[ ] hot tub
[x] pet(s)
[ ] ranch
[x] verizon
[ ] cingular
[ ]Sprint
[ ] virgin mobile / other
[x] been to 5+ states in the US.
[x] dont have a job.

[5] Total.

[ ] 100+ buddies on messenger
[x] alarm clock
[x] home-cooked meal almost everyday
[ ] eat-out almost everyday
[ ] been in a limo
[ ] own camcorder
[ ] own laptop
[x] own desktop

[3] Total.

[] Overall Total

You spoiled?
[ ] yes
[x] no
[ ]Not even in a million years