
Joined: March 31, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 104950

eao2297's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.
help make 
a difference

Something you said
 could've been the 
reason someone
 killed themselves.
 Think twicbefore
 you speak. Is that
 comment really 
worth the sacrifice of
someone else's life?

And one day i hope you look back

on what we had, and regret everything you did to let it end.


Isn't sad when you get hurt so much,
you can finally say "I'm used to it"

make your move

before i'm gone. cause feelings change, and hearts move on.


Click the
if you love Jesus,
and your
not ashamed to
say so.


Fave if you sang Friday by Rebecca black at least once today -.-
Have you ever just wanted to scream?
because no one is listening to you.
Have you ever just wanted to run away?
because no one understands.
Have you ever wanted to hurt yourself?
because no one cares.
Have you ever wished something bad would happen to you?
because you want sympathy.
Have you ever wished someone would ask you 'what's wrong'?
because you need to vent.
Have you ever just wanted to lock yourself in your room?
because you need to get away from life.
Have you ever just wanted to text that boy that broke your heart?
because you know the old him could make you smile in a heart beat just by replying to your text.
Have you ever cried and ran to the mirror to make sure it looked like you didn't?
because your family just wouldn't understand.
Have you ever wanted to just drown yourself in alcohol?
because you want everything to be okay again.

It's okay.
me too.


 I'm  not  jealous ;
I'm just tired of being in  s e c o n d  p l a c e

"I'm fine."
And just once I wish someone would look me in the eye and say
"No your not."


format: maryg181