
Joined: June 18, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 184579
Gender: F

esther_bunnyxx87's Favorite Quotes

Have you ever sat with your friends and just known that you`re the least important friend in the group and you felt like it wouldnt make a diffrence if you were there or not?

Fragments From a Junior's Thoughts

Today, I heard the phrase "it looks good on college applications" 11 times

Teachers tell me they are preparing me for the "real world" as if the first 18 years are a free trial

Getting an education turned out to be a competition I never agreed to enter

I used to think in weekdays and now I think in test dates

Nothing is heavier than this backpack except maybe my eyelids

I'm losing sleep, losing weight, losing my mind

I'm so lost

Even as I write this poem I know nothing I say matters unless it's typed in Times New Roman 12pt font

i feel like every week i'm just like "i need to get through this week"

its kinda scary how your whole life depends on how well you do as a teenager
This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.


*Slam dunks your opinion into the trash*

Me: Why does water cost more than soda?
Me: Why does salad cost more than a hamburger?
Me: Why does fruit cost more than candy?
Me: Why do vegetables cost more than chips?
Me: Why do workout clothes cost more than cute shirts?
Me: Why do sports bras cost more than regular bras?
Me: Why does spandex cost more than jean shorts?
Me: Why?

Friendship Is Like A Bank,
               don't expect to get too    much out if you don't put something in.♥