
Joined: September 5, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 329332
Gender: F

every teenager has

tried to fit their fat asses on a baby swing.♥


fakesmilemoveon's Favorite Quotes

I hate that feeling
The feeling when you’re sad
but you have no idea why.
You just are.
And in your mind, you’re thinking of all the bad things
in your life and apply it to your emotions,
making you even more sad.
Then people ask you what’s wrong
and you have nothing to say.
You end up sitting there, quiet,
while it seems as if everyone, but you,
is happy...
Honestly, I hate my best friend right now... < / 3

BravoSierra's format

                                                                        Say "YOLO."         I'm sure the judge will understand.


BravoSierra's format

                                                                                            I was describing you.


BravoSierra's format

                                                                                I almost gave a f/ck.


Think of something
really hard

you’ve had to go through in the past.
Well, you survived it.
You’re alive, aren’t you?
Think about that the next time you’re going
through a really hard time.
You’ll pull through.
You’ll survive.
You are strong.
Your skin may tear, and your bones may break,
but your soul?
Your soul can never be irreversibly damaged.

        "no, don'neehelp, 
               i ' m   j u s t   b r o w s i n g   t h a n k s ! "  


I have come to the point
where I only need to put a "W" to go to Witty and a "F" to go to Facebook...
Any one else?

Lol So True: #99
If we're not supposed to have late night snacks, then why is there a light in the fridge?

BravoSierra's format

                                          And then      realizing          what they said a second later.