
Joined: October 13, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 128594

farmboycollide's Favorite Quotes

Demi Lovato: Remember December.

Miley Cyrus: Permanent December.

Taylor Swift: Back to December.

What the hell happened in December?

Rihanna, if you like a rude boy, if you like the way it hurts, and you think your so hard, why'd you leave Chris Brown?

Crazy Friend Moments #16

*At lunch.*

Timmy: *Rips two pieces off his bread.* "Look it's a boat!"

Bri, Lauren, and I: *Give him  the weirdest look.*

Timmy: *Rips one more piece off his bread, flips it upside down, and sits it on the table.* "Look! It's a slug."

Lauren: "Why am I dating you!?"

Timmy: "Cause you think I'm sexy."
Today I gave myself a paper cut...I was reading a first aid manual. MLIA.
This quote does not exist.
cas: my uncle shot himself

Kellie: DID HE DIE????!!!

sometimes sad things make my day

.  Yea, I'm 15
yea, Hannah Montanna is my favorite show . ......

I don't stalk,
i investigate ;)



Don't believe the media, the Chilean miners weren't trapped in a mine, they were trying to rob an underground vault at Gringotts.