
Joined: December 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 250889

fgmoviegirl's Favorite Quotes

                  Feel Old...?
* Shrek 1 Came out 11 years ago.
* Monsters ink came out 11 years ago.
* Dylan and Cole Sprouse are 20 years old.
* Miley Cyrus Engaged
* Hillary Duff Mom
* Thats so Raven Has been off TV for 6 years
* Lizzie MicGuire Ended nine years ago
* Jackson from Hannah Montana is 33.
* Rico From Hannah Montana is 18 .
* and Spongebob has been on since 1999


This quote does not exist.

hi, i'm a teenage girl.

i have good days and bad days, & sometimes take it out on others;
when my ipod is blasting, the rest of the world gets tuned outttt
there's a boy that i can't seem to stop thinking about. 

[ he's the reason i look forward to school everyday ]
i can't go one day without saying or doing something silly
i truly 
don't knowhat i'd do without my friends. ~
[ they know how to make me happy and are always here for me ]
i can be stubborn, b*tchy, and a little clueless at times
& sometimes, in one day, dozens of things go wrong ... 
//////  but when i take a step back and look at things clearly,

i realize how much i truly appreciate life, with every imperfection
i know that i'm still young, i know i have a lot to learn <<

>> and, i don't want to grow up too fast. (:

What we have comes along just


You said you wanted to be my friend, I said ok.

You wanted to be my best friend, I let you.

You said you liked me, I liked you too.

You asked to be more then friends, I said yes.

You kissed me, I didn't pull away.

You said you loved me, I believed you.

I believed you, worst mistake of my life.

This quote does not exist.

 i don't care that I'm losing you as a friend.
because if you were a real friend, i wouldn't be losing you. 

Your'e my Kryrptonite.


 For everyone
there is a person created
 just for them.
Format credit to Narwhallayouts

If you ask me how

I'm doing

I would say I'm

doing just fine

I would lie and say that you're not on my mind


story of my life