
Joined: November 18, 2012
Last Seen: 4 years
user id: 339108
Gender: F
HELLOOOOO, fellow wittians! Sup? (Come on- I'm not that bad at being cool am I?) Anyway...Fiona here- I'm from England, I'm 14, ALMOST five foot tall (yeah i'm a midget...) I love witty and even though I don't make quotes all that often I'm always still  on here even if it's just to comment or fave other wittian's quotes! (Oh yeah i love to write sarcastic comments and other crap like that...) I love food, a lot, and also I love music and play the keyboard and euphonium (don't know what it is? Google it!!) and I'm single (but not as single as a pringle because they are wedged between all these guy pringles and I bet they all flirt with eachother- so a message to all pringles. Cut the cr.ap and starting acting single) anyway there you go my profile! Enjoy Love, Fiona Xxx :)

fibomidget's Favorite Quotes

cause of death: too shy to call ambulance


Shortest horror story: "Dude. Where did the spider go?"

someone: have you seen this movie?
me: no but i've seen gifs

Some guy just whistled at me while driving by and my dad goes “don’t worry, that was for me”
Hazel: Shouldn't we wait til dark?
Augustus: It's all dark to Isaac.

- The Fault In Our Stars


before I join your punk rock band my mom wants to talk to your mom

I Was Planning on Doing My Homework on Friday But I Waited Until Sunday and Now I’m Really Stressed Out and Overwhelmed But I Still Haven’t Learned My Lesson, a thrilling autobiography

Sorry I accidentally inhaled your air guitar. XD
So today
My sister is terrified
Like she wont even be in the same room as me for more than 5 seconds
But jokes on her
I don't have anything planned
And that, my dear friends
Is the best April Fools Day prank ever.
When someone thinks you're wearing make up and you're just like: Ha, no, honey. This *gestures to face* is aaaalll natural ;)
Then they're just like: Oh, well you still look great :D