
Status: Head. Over. Heels. ♥
Joined: October 2, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 332949
Location: In front of my laptop. c;
Gender: F
Its only me. </3
I'm just that girl you see, the average girl with brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin, bad posture. I'm not stupid, but I'm no genius. I'm average at sports, but I like to think I excel at running. I have the best friends in the world, hands down; if you met them, you'd agree. I only have 2 friends who I would trust my life with. I'm not really popular, not all the guys like me, or the girls for that matter. There is only one guy for me, and I'm waiting for him to realize that he needs me too.

flawlesslyimperfect's Favorite Quotes

   Can you at least pretend

           {♥}       That you like me?

When the teacher says to, "Pair up with a partner for this activity!"
And you look around the room
And you're just like,

"Yup, I am  s c r / w e d."
roses are red
violets are blue
your pretty
and important too.
You know what? No. You go telling other girls that they shouldn't talk about anti-bullying because they are one themselves. Yet you? You're a bully too. The difference; you bully select people. You are always talking bad about people and complaining. That girl you called a rotten name? Yeah, well she has enough going on as it is. Then when you get punished, YOUR parents are gonna talk to the teacher? You deserved every single bit of your punishment. EVERY. BIT. And the girl you exclude from everything, talk about more than anyone. The one you are constantly picking on? She lost a sibling. And she takes enough crap from ignorant people like yourself; so lay off. She's worth 40 of you. So suck it up.
This quote does not exist.
I really hope so. ♥
I told myself to get over you;
But I didn’t listen.
My heart and my brain act separately.
I shouldn’t like you like this.
But I want to like you like this.
I know you may never feel the same;
After all;
Plenty of girls would take you.
And I’m sure you have no problem taking them.
But when you look at me;
I just feel like it’s different from the way you look at everyone else.
More serious and thoughtful;
And less innocent and casual.
If and when I cross paths with you
It’s like a jolt of electricity in my stomach;
More powerful than butterflies.
When you said my name the first time
I wanted to hang on to that memory.
The way it sounded coming from your lips;
Like it fit perfectly.
Like it my name was meant to be said by you;
And only you.
When I catch you looking at me
I can’t help but feel special;
Like we’re the only two people in the room.
And I really want to believe
You don’t act like this towards other girls.
When you ‘casually’ end up next to me;
I hope it’s not just coincidence.
I hope you tried, fought to be next to me.
I hope you love me.
Because I think I love you.
And I hardly even know you.


Admit it,

you're afraid to text him first because you feel like you're annoying.


I’m blonde; I must be stupid.

I’m brunette; I must be boring.
I have red hair; I must have a fiery


I have black hair, I must be eccentric.
I dye my hair; I must be trying to be someone
I wear make-up; I must be fake.
I wear skirts; I must be a slag.
I like football; I must be a lesbian.
I’m rich; I must be spoilt.
I’m poor; I must be a tramp.
I wear black; I must be a goth.
I wear hoodies; I must be causing trouble.
I’m skinny; I must starve myself.
I’m curvy; I must constantly eat
I’m smart; I must be a nerd.
I’m independent; I must be a loner
I cry; I must be a baby.
I’m not like you; I must be weird.
I’m like you; I must be copying.
I’m religious; I must make you be the same.
I’m young; I must be naïve.
I’m old; I must be unable to look after myself.
I’m a teenager; I must always be up to no good.
I’m a straight-A student; I must have no social life.
I have no job; I must be lazy.
I have a good job; I must be a snob.
I’m foreign; I must be pocketing your tax.
I am human; I must be stereotyped

With one look - one glance - he had my heart. He didn't even have to try. I honestly don't think he did, really. But with every look since then, I fall a little more, and when he said my name the first time, I wanted to cry. I love the way my name sounds coming from his mouth. I love when I feel like someone's watching me, and I turn and meet his eyes. I love watching him be an idiot, and be smart, and be loud and funny; but I love it most when I'm around, and he's suddenly much more quiet. He's not even mine, but I get so jealous when he hangs out with other girls around me. Jealous enough to start WWIII. All in all, he is my kryptonite. And I like it this way. The only way things could be better; is if he finally asked me out.  ~