
Joined: August 31, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 214022

Quotes by hightower182

Phone quiz!
got ur foneyes, why else would i do this?
how many txts r in ur inbox right now? 204
in ur contacts, who is the 3rd person under N? Nate
who is the 6th person under L? Lynn
what does the 4th message in ur inbox say, whos it from? " forreal, id be scared he would get to excited and have a seizure lol" mistie

who's the 11th call in ur missed calls from? sierra
who is the last person under A? autumn
what does the 3rd sent txt say? lordy why cant we remember..haha
who is the last received call from? heath
r u texting anybody at the moment? kelsie and mistie 

who is #17 on ur speed dial? I dont set them
what does ur 20th message say?who from? " k thanks" mistie
who is #15 on ur speed dial? Dont set them
 Whats your 40th text? "bring me some"

I'm tired of everyone hating on Lady Gaga, she is just standing up for what she believes in, what's so wrong with that?

over heard this girl in my class say that she was so excited that she was getting her friend drunk for the very first time. what kind of friend is that? High School is stupid and im seriously tired of it. All of my peers need to get a reality check, most likely the friends that are there with you when you party arnt going to be there by your side when you actually need them. I wish people would stand up for themselves because I hate seeing good people with bright futures getting sucked into the so called "Good Life" smoking and drinking isnt going to get you anywhere besides pregnant, in jail, or killed. Sorry about rambling, but I had to let it out somewhere. you dont even have to like this, im just trying to vent.

"Wasted $12.50 on Shark Night movie ticket, I coulda got me some chicken with that money!" - my best friend

I'm Ray Charles to the Bullsh!t.


what  you  heard  about  me  might be  true  then  again,  it  could  be  as  fake   as  the  person that  told  you.


           T.G.I.F = Thank God I'm Fresh :)!

I'm touchin' skies, no puffin' lies

When witty says " Slow down, my friend!" 
I just wanna say " Speed up, my n****"