
Joined: October 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 223992
Hey I'm not new to witty, I actually have another account, but was bored one day, thought of this username, and decided to make this account. I love LOTS of things, & I could go on and on about it. So, comment, fave, follow, whatevvvsss. Ps, I follow back(: let me know that I've done wrong, when I've known this all along. I go around a time or two, just to waste my time with you. Tell me all that you've thrown away, find out games you don't wanna play. You are the only one that needs to know. I'll keep you my dirty little secret. Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret, hope that you can keep it, my dirty little secret. Who has to know? When we live such fragile lives, it's the best way we survive. I go around a time or two, just to waste my time with you. Tell me all that you've thrown away, find out games you don't wanna play. You are the only one that needs to know. I'll keep you my dirty little secret. Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret, hope that you can keep it, my dirty little secret. Who has to know? The way she feels inside, those thoughts she can't deny. These sleeping dogs won't lie, and now I try to lie, it's eating me apart. Trace this life back. I'll keep you my dirty little secret. Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret, hope that you can keep it, my dirty little secret. Who has to know? 

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