
Joined: June 20, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 80171

ibelovinhim's Favorite Quotes

  &she couldnt</3
help but wonder.. what exactly about
her wasnt quite good enough for him
                                 you see her smile ;; 
x  { you hear her laugh }  x
                 |  but when you're not there |
---> she can't laugh ;: she can't smile .
                                             all she can do is cry.
                                                                                                                                        (sorrry witty messedd it up.)

e amazing

               BE GORGEOUS
be lovely  
B E S T U N N IN G          
b e s w e e t
B  E  B  E  A  U  T  I  F  U  L
be the best
B E Y O U R S E L F ♥

complete credit to WishingOnBrokenStars
i loved it <3 (:
right now
im in an [unsecure]
 were i seem
"like i cant make decisions"
i -dont- want to
fall apart
but im close
than i have ever
and trust me it hurts.

for no good reason

&& don't you love when
you're texting him late at night
and he doesn't respond,
then you feel something is wrong, and can't sleep.
but the next morning, he texts you,
before you're even awake and says;
'haha, sorry. i fell asleep.'

credit to jlb5rock for inspiration.
I can't be away from you
For more than a second
And if I am,
I go insane
My hand feels lonely without
Your hand in mine.

I bet your feels that way too
s amazing how we can't go
10minutes without talking to eachother
And I'
m glad we don't.
Because baby,
I already miss saying
I Love You.

What do you guys think?
I wrote that off the top of my head.

This quote does not exist.
if you're lucky, 
                   if you're the luckiest person
                      on the entire planet,
                         the one you love

will love you back. 
Am I The Only One;;

that  when  he   t e x t s  me

I  wait  an   e  x  t  r  a  minute  to reply

because  I  don't  want  to  seem  desperate?


&+_ if i could tell you one thing, i guess it would
be that i love hearing
your voice, or that your smile just happens to brighten
my entire day