
Joined: July 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 194113
hi witty :)

i made this account so i could vent about things. there's some things you should know about it though; 
- if the vent # is blue, it's something i've said
- if the vent # is green, it's something someone else said that i'm publishing 
- if you'd like to add a vent, you can leave me a comment or email me at
- every vent is confidential if you want it to be
- the format i use is not mine
- i'm not trying to copy anyone else, i just need somewhere to vent
- i'm not looking for favorites
- feel free to leave advice on any of the quotes
- i love all witty girls & they can always vent because everyone deserves to be heard.

Quotes by iliketovent

30 Days of Taylor Swift

Day 01 – The first Taylor Swift song you heard:
Day 02 – When you became a Taylor Swift fan:
Day 03 – Your favorite Taylor Swift song:
Day 04 – Your favorite Taylor Swift music video:
Day 05 – Number of Taylor Swift concerts you’ve been to:
Day 06 – Your favorite Taylor Swift performance:
Day 07 – Your favorite tumblr page/s of Taylor Swift:
Day 08 – The Taylor Swift song that you most relate to:
Day 09 – Your favorite Taylor Swift picture:
Day 10 – Something that you miss about Taylor Swift:
Day 11 – Your favorite Taylor Swift lyric:
Day 12 – Your favorite video of Taylor Swift on youtube:
Day 13 – Your favorite Taylor Swift album:
Day 14 – Have you met Taylor Swift?:
Day 15 – Your least favorite Taylor Swift song:
Day 16 – Your favorite Taylor Swift magazine cover:
Day 17 – A Taylor Swift song that you wish had a music video:
Day 18 – Who would you want to do a duet with Taylor Swift:
Day 19 – A Taylor Swift song that you would love to hear live:
Day 20 – Favorite Taylor Swift quote:
Day 21 – Something Taylor Swift related that you’re excited about:
Day 22 – A Taylor Swift song that you can play/wish to play on an instrument:
Day 23 – Five things you love about Taylor Swift:
Day 24 – Which do you prefer: Taylor Swift’s blog, vlogs, or tweets:
Day 25 – Do you own any Taylor Swift merchandise?:
Day 26 – Your favorite Taylor Swift myspace Vlog:
Day 27 – The Taylor Swift song that you never get tired of hearing:
Day 28 – How Taylor Swift has influenced your life:
Day 29 – Post anything that involves Taylor Swift:
Day 30 – If you could say anything to Taylor Swift, what would it be?:
day ten; 1 confession.

1. i miss him. i miss him so much it hurts. every single day i think about him. he's all that i think about. he's all that matters to me. he's all i want. he's all that i need. i wish he felt the same way. i'm wasting my time. but can't help it. i love him. i always will. he's my everything. ♥
day nine; 2 smileys that describe my life right now.

1. :) 
2. :/
day eight; 3 turn ons.

1. touching the right places at the right times.

2. kissing on the neck.

3. long make-outs.
day six;  5 people who mean a lot to me(in no special order).

1. my mom.

2. my brother.

3. my best friend.

4. my grandmother.

5. him.
day five; 6 things i wish i've never done.

1. bullied anybody.

2. hurt peoples' feelings.

3. made people feel like they weren't worth it.

4. smoked w33d.

5. drank b33r.

6. i wish i never broke up with him.
day four; 7 things that cross my mind a lot.

1. what my life will be like when i'm older.

2. him, obviously.

3. my family.

4. i wish i was skinnier.

5. where i'm going to live when i'm older.

6. how i feel selfish when i wish that my life was better.

7. ways to better myself.
day three; 8 ways to win my heart.

1. personality is key.

2. tall, dark brown hair, blue eyes. oh & i like italians.

3. athletic.

4. you've gotta be able to make me laugh.

5. you've gotta have a nice smile.

6. you better be genuine.

7. you have to love your family and be great with kids.

8. if you love me, you're in.
day two; 9 things about myself.

1. i'm really insecure.

2. i lost my best friend seven months ago and it ruined my life.

3. my family means the entire world to me.

4. i don't have a lot of friends, just a handful of close ones.

5. without music i would be nothing.

6. when i grow up i want to be a detective or a forensic scientist.

7. my life story would probably make a really good sad movie so far.

8. i'm hopelessly in love with a boy that i broke up with over a year ago for no real reason, and he doesn't even want me back.

9. i'm a really happy person on the outside. when i'm with my friends i'm genuinely happy, or when i'm with my family. but when i'm not, i'm a wreck.