
Joined: June 18, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 184487

so, my names myranda alexis mccleery.
i try my best to be a happy, sweet person.
i hate players, cheaters, backstabbers, and heart breakers. i love food, the color pink, love songs, nail polish, high socks, stars, & long car rides.

also, i love ethan peter gonzales, even though he has broke my heart..
2.20.11, come back..

ilovedyousomuch's Favorite Quotes


More than a friendship, less than a relationship.<3


&for a minute there
i actually thought you cared.

This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.

The pain never

really goes away

You just get used to it..

Format by Sandrasaurus

Please forgive me,

today was just one of those days that I stopped pretending I was okay. 



Sometimethe only thinleft to do

is wrap your arms around each other one last time, and just let go. 

This quote does not exist.
Im not mad at you

im done with you.

She Laid Her Heart
and soul right in your hands,  
and you stole her e v e r y  dream.

 and crusheheplans.