
Joined: August 18, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 121389


itbmanderzzbabe's Favorite Quotes

I'm nearly 15.
Today, I'm finally a freshman.
I woke up at 5:30, it's now 6:30 in the morning. 
Where do I find myself? 
Watching Little Einstein's. 

The girl you called fat: 
She's overdosing on diet pills. 

The girl you just called ugly:
She spends hours putting on make up in hopes people will like her. 

The boy you just tripped:
He is abused at home enough. 

See that man with the ugly scars:
He fought for our country.

That guy you just made fun of for crying: 
His mother is dying.

You don't know what you think you might. 
Don't judge. 

Gay men now have the same rights as straight

men; they can now join the army, regardless of their

sexual orientation. 

It's about time. 

As of this moment, I've decided that when

someone compliments me, I'm going to say thank

you and take the compliment. I've also decided that

I'm done putting myself down.  


This quote does not exist.
& who else loves:
That random guy in Spongebob who always yells,
my leg!!
I won't give up on you.
This quote does not exist.
Format by Sandrasaurus

Don't cry  because it's over,
smile because it happened. 

Format by Sandrasaurus

feeling  like  a  boss
When you get 3 faves as soon as you post a quote.