
Joined: June 13, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 363044
Gender: F

itsashleyyo_'s Favorite Quotes

I remember the days when we would hang out everyday,
talk everyday,
sit together everyday,
joke around everyday....

We barely speak to eachother,
we hardly ever hang out,
we don't joke around as much...

I miss the old days, I miss you :c

& little girl, what could possibly be on your mind that makes you go quiet?

»  "him.."  «
& ever since you walked away, witty has become my bestfriend. 
[you made me realize that people won't always stay by your side]
*Gets bombarded by chirpy shop assistants*
Can I complain to the manager so you'll leave me alone and let me shop in peace!

Don't text me while I'm in the middle of texting you.
Now I have to change what I was going to say.


& just because i look fine without you doesn't mean i am..

& the pain of being without you is endless..


[But hey, if that's how you wanna live your life. ]

Dude, You already got her.
Shes yours,
So step up, man up&treat
her right or she wont be
yours for so long.
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