
Joined: December 4, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 246840

i'm lily, and i blow out the candles on may 15
i love to ski and dance, but i live in virginia...so i cant really go and ski in the wild west whenever i feel like it.
makes me sad ;~;
but i deal with it because...
i just kinda do.
back to the point, 
im not the "talk about myself for like five pages" kind of person, so yeah.
i hate it when people leave comments telling me to "read my story" or "check out my quotes" or "follow me"
i'll look at your god damn profile when i feel like it.
if you wanna know more about me, just say so(:

jblove543's Favorite Quotes

Dear Face Wash
, nobody
actually splashes their
face with water like that.
Sincerely, my bathroom
is sopping wet now

how many of

you know this:

Snape snape severus snape

snape snape severus snape

Dumbledore! :3 xD


I need to vent.

I'm fourteen. I met a guy when I was thirteen. He

was fourteen.  We fell in love, noone can tell me it wasn't real..

because I know it was. But that's besides the point.. we talked

every single day, had tons of jokes, it was perfect and

exactly what I wanted. We dated for nine months.. it was perfect.

About one month into the relationship he told me he used to do drugs

I was going to leave him.. I told him he had to stop.

He did. Cold turkey. For me. I was so proud of him.

He had a friend.. who got addicted when he did.. however,

his friend was too far gone to stop when Tristan, my boyfriend did.

Awhile after he quit.. 4 months or so, his friend, got shot in a

drug bust. He felt it should've been him.. because he got him

addicted in the first place. I was there for him.. told him it

wasn't his fault. I thought he was better. Two months later, it had

been six months since his friend passed. Tristan said he couldn't

take it. Next thing I know, I get a call from his mom, saying he 

Commited Suicide.

I was devastated.I didn't believe it at first, thought it was a cruel joke then

it hit me.. The love of my life was gpne. I bawled for weeks on end, it was

terrible. Anyways....What I'm trying to say is.. It's been six months now.. and

It's hurting, bad. Things have been going on in my life.. and I always just wish

I could talk to him.. but I can't. God, someone, anyone.. tell me how to get

over this.

I love you Tristan.. no matter what. We both promised forever, and I'm keeping

that promise. I'm not forgetting Peru (; You're my "One Love" and that's " All I


Foreverand Ever..<3

This quote does not exist.

attractive person: hi.
me: is this some kind of sick joke.




Partial credit to kaepow 
This quote does not exist.

I'm Happily in a relationship with Food
30 seconds ago · Like · Comment · See Friendship

Dear new clothes, 
When i rip the tag off,
i expect the little plastic thing;
to come off too,
a n n o y e d,
and looking for the scissors.