
Joined: May 10, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 7639
hey evrybody...hmmm thingz bout me...well i luv to watch fave shows sre Friends...i cnt believe its over :( Punk'd ashton is so hot and of couse the best of all tyme CHARMED!!!!!! best show in the world...some other thingz i luv to do are chat online w/ my friendz and hang out w/ my friendz are the most important thing to me in my lyfe after my family...i luv all of u and juss to name a few...therez lexa lex (alexa) bethie beth (beth) ele (eleanor) lea schilke lea icasiano stephy steph (stephanie) and jenna jen (jenna) and rachy rach (rachel) well those are juss a few i have alot more that i luv sooo friendz are the best!...hmm what else to say...o yea...i think that ricky ullman, ashton kutcher, and orlando bloom are soooo hot!!! hehe well imona roow...peace nilam~

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