
Joined: March 26, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 354431
Gender: F
Hey wonderful.
I'm Kaite! Formal account was Katergatertatertot. But I was found so I had to make a new one.
I blow out the candles on January 9!  Dont hate on me, I wont hate on you. Thank you.(:  I have a wonderful boy friend, and I love him<3 also I have amazing friends an family even though I feel like I dont. I love running. I live to run. If I could run all the time I would. I do play sports, I run Cross country and Track. I love music, But who doesnt?? I listen to a lot of eminem.. Helps me take my mind off of things.. I really enjoy bacon like its my favorite I love it. I also watch little tv but when I do I watch tv I watch Criminal Minds, Survivour, The Challange and Teen Mom.
I was/am a cutter, but Im on the road to recovery even though I dont want to. At all.But its for the best.... I'm a very blunt person. If I dont like you youll know. Ill be sure you know I dont like you. Thats mostly the reason people dont like me. But I dont really care. I love helping people so If you need something just hmu and we'll talk!. Weeeeelll peace out wittians. Stay strong beautifuls<3

Quotes by katie_danielle

Death sits in the chair across from me and watches.
Death sees but has no eyes.
Death knows but has no mind.

We often sit together at night.
Death has one move left.
I have none.
That empty feeling is working its way back..
And I'm begging it to please go away.
Are you happy sweetie?
This is your fault.
You ruined this.
Got what you wanted.
You're welcome.
You know that feeling you get whenit shirts to breath?
No, I'm not talking about running six miles breathe..
I'm talking about when you lost something or someone important. When suddenly all the butterflies in your stomach just drop. And they're not fluttering anymore? When you feel like your ribs are crushing your lungs because you can't breath. You're breathing but you're not there. There's a piece of you that's missing like it's just gone where did I go? Nobody really knows where it went but we do know when it leaves and you feel it maybe not right away but in the aftermath of it all. That is when you feel it.
That's when you feel the butterflies go.
I wish that the good outweighed the bad.
Ever go to bed feeling as if you're mossing something then realize it's them..