
Joined: February 1, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 269813
Disorder Your Score
Major Depression: High
Dysthymia: High-Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: High
Cyclothymia: High-Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: High-Moderate
Postpartum Depression: N/A
Take the Depression Test
Flashing Word Bubble love is the movement Shhhh...this is my secret witty. All i want to have is a place to vent without someone judging me, that's all. This is a place where I get to say what I want to say. a bunch of my friends have wittys and they cant know what really goes on in my life id have to die. this is why im gonna keep this one a secret. i am working on quitting my  cutting addiction...its going pretty well...sorta, i on my way to not cutting for 100 days.when i did cut i carved a heart in my hip:/ im really self consious. i think im ugly and pleaasseee dont try to convince me im not. i think im fat too. others dont see the fat like i do. im not anorexic but i have thought about suicide. all the crap ive been through does not help at all. yes im single. ive never done drugs or had sex. people love me but i dont love myself. if my friends found this account id die. no joke. my lifes a wreck. for all you out there who are like me and have my problems stay stong and im here:) love you all. 
everybody. if your reading this now..i just wanna say everything is sooooo much better i have the bestest friends anyone could ever ask for! i dont care if my friends find this anymore because i have nothing to hide and everything is back to normal and im  really happy and i feel alive again<3 if yall ever need any help im here<3 i love yall.

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