
Joined: December 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 254338

my names Jayla, im 14, i love psych, i love everything funny, i love my friends, i love my family (sometimes), and i absolutly LOVE witty :)

lifeisforliving's Favorite Quotes

mom: *calls my name* 

 *closes computer, gets up, opens door, walks downstairs, jumps through hoop of fire, fights muhammad ali in his prime, wrestles a bear, out runs usain bolt, climbs mount everest*

mom: Hand me that thing literally 5 feet from where I'm sitting.


                                   Girl: I'm having heart surgery today.
                                   Boy: I know.
                                   Girl: I love you!
                                   Boy: I love you more!

     *After heart surgery her dad is the only person in the room*

                                   Girl: Where is he?
                                   Dad: Don't you know who gave you your heart?
                                   Girl: (Starts crying)
                                   Dad: Im just kidding he went to the bathroom.

A drop in the ocean,
A change in the weather,
I was praying that you and me might end up together.
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,
But I'm holding you closer than most,
'Cause you are my heaven.


"We have group crying sessions with icecream."
-Zayn Malik

i wanna be prettier
i wanna be skinnier
i wanna be nicer
i wanna be funnier
i wanna be sportier
i wanna be cooler
i wanna be popular
i wanna be creative
i wanna be a favorite
but mostly...
i wanna be HER

Roses are deckchairs,
The sea is potato,
This poem makes no sense,

This quote does not exist.

Parents: I have such a beautiful daughter.
Kids at school: Who is this deformed potatoe?

There are kids out there who are...

Addicted to cigarettes.
Addicted to alcohol.
Addicted to drugs.
Getting pregnant.
But me? I sleep all day.
My parents should be proud.


All these hot singles in my area want to meet me!
Probably because all the free iPads I've won...