
Joined: August 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 211908

 I mean theres not that much to say about me. My name is Lillyanna and I've lived in the same small town my whole life. I am daiting this amazing guy named Aaron, and I've known him since birth concidering he lives down the street.  Im 14,and a freshman. My birthday is on December 18th (Which I hated my whole life, i mean, where do you have a birthday party in the middle of winter?!). I go to a super small catholic high school, theres like 350 kids, no joke. And I've known most of them since like preschool. If you haven't caught on, theres nothing that intresting about me, or my life. So i doubt anyone has even read this far and I'm just waisting my time so bye! (:

xox ~L


baby, you light up my world like nobody else