
Joined: May 12, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 299101


littlemissgroovy's Favorite Quotes


the word caught your attention didn't it?
the truth is sucide catches everyones attention.
It's the actions that lead up to suicide that go unnoticed.

This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.

wow, this is a good song
i'm gonna play it on repeat for 4 days until i hate it

BravoSierra's format

                                                   Why British people lose their accents when they sing.


Top 4 Lies -
1: I'm fine.
2: I don't like anyone.
3: That was my last piece of gum.
4: I've read and agreed to the Terms & Conditions.
In movies, when teenagers parents are not at home, they   start making parties.. Me when my parents are not at home I start singing and dancing on the table 

♥ Eleven Years Ago

to this day
A   plane   struck   the  world  trade  center.
I was only five years old.
I didn't understand.

They sent us home from school,

And told us America would never be the same.
Nearly 3000 innocent lives
were ended that day.

Here is to those who died, 
Lost   But   Never   Forgotten.

Saving all your texts from someone so you can read them when you're upset and you know they will make you smile <3