
Joined: November 14, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 93670

Hii The Name Is Kassie
Mii Fave Color's Aree Purple,, Black,, Green,, Blue and ANYTHING FLURO!!!!

Okss so to start off im a 14 year old girl (twit),, i lovee mii friends && family,, Im pretty CARAZAYY!! and im proud of it,, i lovee animals especially mii dog Humphrey && mii jungle python Spook :]



love_wrecked's Favorite Quotes

I'm in that mood where,

when i say
"I'm fine"

and i need someone to look me in the eye and say

No your not

and hug me.

 unfortunately that's not going to happen :'(
hey ladies. so im a boy. and i read all your quotes and stuff, no im not gay but my sister has an account and i was on hers reading all this stuff and i needed to let you all know the truth. so here i go.

if we ignore you - its cause we want you to come to us for once not because we hate you.
if we flirt with other girls - its cause we want to see if you will come after us not to make you sad or jealous.
if we dont answer your texts - its because we are a little busy not because we want to hurt you.
if we tell you we love you - we god dam mean it.

People are like Potatoes.  

if you eat them


format; itsvianna
 That awkward moment when your taking a test and the teacher is standing over you

So theres always the guy,

Who make's you cry,
But you'll always love him.

This quote does not exist.

There comes a time in life
When you finally realise
Being in love isn't what it's like in the movies.

That awkward moment

when your posing for a picture,

&& its a video.


-happens to me all the time(:


Like This If You've Googled Yourself



& Who Else,

Connected The Markers To Make A Sword When They Were Little?

