
Joined: March 13, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 103516
yoo children.
I go by the name Kaylee and i turned 14 this yearr, music is my way of living and my friends are the only thing that keeps me going. i hate my parents 95% of the time, and the other 5 percent i don't see them, so it works out quite well. soccer used to be my only escape until i couldn't play anymore. which is fxcking stoopid but whatever. i hate school so much, but i go and do well because i'd rather  not be living on the streets in my twentys, when i grow up i wanna have a family with two kids and a husband, and be anything but the perfect family, because perfect is too far out of anyones league. im hopinn' mah kids are cuuute thoo :] i like boys. well actually, i like A. boy. he's the only one that can scare me with the way i feel.and i love it. there's so much i could say about him, but you would probably fall fer him too. cliche, but so true. other girls really bother me, so i tend to have a lot of guy friends, drama isn't my thing, even tho it goes around the fxcking school like swine flu. but whatevss.
comment.follow.favoritee. <3


Kaylee Kolf
[mention yer from witty?]



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