
Joined: March 18, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 284838

lovexotogetherxo's Favorite Quotes


follow me and gabrie on tumblr, we follow back. :D

Not my format

Isn't witty supposed to make you feel better?
There are actually people talking about me
on eachother's profiles. I don't like Witty
anymore. I thought we where all supposed
to be friends? And not spread rumors?

I started to cry when i saw this on my comment page:
"not trying to be rude or anything but you don't deserve to have a witty account, you make sad quotes that nobody cares about, so please get a life. Why do you have the username Onedirection like you dont deserve to have it. Your ugly stupid and you can't spell! Ugh you just make me want to throw up. Someone in the world deserves the name Onedirection and not you, hope that made you think how stupid you are making these quotes. go and die in a hole woman! :p and I don't care that this hurt you, I'm just telling the truth"
broke my heart :'(

- OneDirection♥

Format credit to OneDirection

Let's do a test

 Look at my name.

Now ,
did you read it as:

Hope is nowhere


Hope is now here

Depends on your perspective


Format by Sandrasauras

Drake: Which locker do you think is Megan's?
Josh: Gee, I don't know. Maybe it's the one she's standing in front of and putting books into!
Drake: You know, sometimes your sarcasm hurts!

When Louis was little  and his mom was pregnant,
He asked his mum if she loved the baby
She said yes, then Louis said  
"then why did you eat her?"

- OneDirection♥


Hey wanna bang tonight?

I mean auto-cucumber.

God donut!

How the duck do I turn this off?

It's actually painful watching you struggle like this...xD

can i tie ur shoes?....
because i don't want you
 falling for anyone else...


"I love a girl
who still watches disney channel movies, 
so i could snuggle up on the sofa 

and watch them together"

- Liam Payne♥


format credit to OneDirection