
Joined: December 19, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 252535

mccartneydana's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.

"did you just walk into that wall?"
"no, i was trying to get to Hogwarts."


You have three choices.
You can give up, give in,
or give it your all.


& Does anyone else get that mini spaz attack in bed when they're half asleep and dream they're falling? 

So he's 19 and you're 13? That's not dating.
That's called babysitting.


     Dora thinks she is sexy showing her belly button.

Have you ever noticed
How the & symbol looks like a guy dragging his butt across the ground? 

So I'm invisible to you now? Oh, that's cool.
I've always wanted a superpower...


Which one is better?
Google or Yahoo!
I know i will Google it!


That Awkward Moment..

When you've already said "What?" three times and you still have no idea what the person said, so you just  agree.

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