
Joined: June 25, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 113638
i'm courtney. i love meeting new people; get to know me! :D

Quotes by mcmurray3

I've got 69 problems

& they are all whores

Even though we've both moved on..
i still love you, i still miss you, i still think about you, i still want to text you, i still want you, i still think about you, i still miss your kisses, i still miss your hugs, i still need you, i still want to be more than friends,
basically, even though i have a boyfriend& you have a girlfriend,
if you called me right now and wanted me.

i would come back to you all in one heart beat.

Today my dog turned 8793 years old.
Can i get 8793 for my dog?

Day one: 1. i miss you.
                   2. i wish you were still my best friend.
                   3. i cant talk to you.
                   4. sorry.
                   5. get better, pleasee!
                   6. your were amazing.
                   7. wanna hangout?
                   8. i miss you.
                   9. i miss you.
                  10. i miss you.

Day One: 10 things I want to say to 10 people.
Day Two: 9 things about myself.
Day Three: 8 ways to win my heart.
Day Four: 7 things that cross my mind a lot.
Day Five: 6 things I wish I've never done
Day Six: 5 people who mean a lot to me(in no special order).
Day Seven: 4 turn offs.
Day Eight: 3 turn on's.
Day Nine: 2 adjectives that describes my life right now.
Day Ten: 1 confession 
Hide your kids
Hide your wife
and hide your husbands
cause they be rapin' everybody up in here.
Don't you hate it when your reading quotes
you see a quote
you made.
but it has way more favorites than the original one you made?
i know i do!

When theres a guy you always noticed, go after him, or you may never know he notices you too.

Am i the only one who runs into a object& apologizes?
Boys brains are like a waffle, they have different blocks to store there thoughts and  think one thing at a time.
Girls brains are like spaghetti, we think about a thousand different things at one time and never think of nothing.

S[he] be[lie]ve[d].

not mine just love it<3