
Status: this is NOT my first account.
Joined: June 22, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 311001
do not ask me to follow you
cassie | 17 | james♥


Comments to momentsinlife

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unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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Things are going pretty smooth. I feel like I won't be on here as much, but I'm trying.
How are things going wtih you?
ChikinNewdleMallerzz 1 decade ago
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I meant that, yeah, I do think that kind of crap, lol.
PrettyRaveGirl 1 decade ago
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I would just like to say that I would never say anything like lil_b!tch did to anyone, and who are you to judge me? I'm trying to help EVERYONE. She's getting hated on, so Im trying to make her feel better. that doesn't mean I AGREE with what she said.
ImJake 1 decade ago
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No problem c:
Crazy_Beautiful202 1 decade ago
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Hey dear.
I just wanted to comment and let you know that I came across your page and I read your things above for your friends that you lost.
I can relate to you. I actually just had my friend Jake get in an accident yesterday morning on his way to work, before school and was killed. </3
It's a hard road and I hope things are going well for you since.
Comment back if you need anything, or just someone to talk to. I'd love to help. ♥
grownsimba 1 decade ago
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lol. hey.!
i'm just open to seeing more quotes by different people.
unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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I just did, she said thank you sweetheart! She'll get back to you as soon as she can.
unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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For being two months premature, yes she is.
She's tiny but she's healthy for the most part. (:
unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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Aubree is extremely tired.
They have Kenley hooked up to a oxygen machine. She will be in the hospital up until thursday, they think. To keep an eye on her, since she's premature.
I'm here during the day and then I go home at night and come back at 7 in the morning back until 11 atnight.
She's precious. I'll put more pictures up.
Micah's family is going to be here today. (:
unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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Thank you so much!
Witty_Guy_Here_ 1 decade ago
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unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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Thank you.
I'm posting a picture now.
ThatOneGirl_brokenhearted 1 decade ago
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But the way his "girlfriends" work, I do have a chance. He's only with her to say he has a girlfriend. He doesn't even like her. And I wasn't going to ask him in a romantic way, even though I'd like to. We're friends, I was only going to ask him so I wouldn't be alone since all of my friends have dates.
unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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Sounds good!
unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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I'll make sure to put it up when she's born and then a few pictures.
She said that she wants to be able to talk to you so when you're able too go on chat, leave a comment.
unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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Everything is working out pretty well. We have a doctors app. on Monday and with everyday that we get closer to the due date, we both get more and more excited.
I can't wait to be able to hold my daughter for the first time.. I'm so excited. We have the baby room finally finished up and everything is set up.
unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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Hey, How is everything going?
I came on here because Aubree asked me if I could ask you if everything is working out for you and getting better.
unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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Hey sweets, It's Aubree.
Caleb's laptop died and he left his charger at his friend Ian's house and I just got it back and the laptop is charging. I came on to chat hoping that you would be on, but you aren't.
If you comment back, It might be Caleb on, you can ask for me and I'm willing to talk again.
I hope everything is lightening up a little bit at least.
Hang in there.
unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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Well, she said it's easier on chat to talk and go faster and that she's willing to talk to you.
She's right beside me. (:
unforgetableCaleb 1 decade ago
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It does hurt sometimes to talk about Micah, but i want him to be remembered as the great person that he was, so I'll be his voice.
And It's okay to not want to to talk about it.. It's just kind of comforting knowing that you have someone there who will listen and won't judge you and if you feel like it's something that I won't understand, my girlfriend comes on to my account and loves to talk to girls and help them with things they need to have advice on and I know she'd love to talk to you.