
Joined: August 18, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 121400
And life will always go on. The world will keep turning. You are a grain of sand in the desert that is the universe. Do you think any of this even matters?

Name: Val
Religious Veiws: Deist
Political Veiws: i guess democrat
And I'm bi. and yeah I'm sure.

But I'm not sure of anything else. I haven't lived long enough to understand our world.
I want to be a poet and a philosopher. I am a writer. I finally have started keeping a journal, and one day, I will photocopy the pages of that journal and throw them all over the city, so the world will know that I wear my heart on my sleaves and I have no secrets.

"You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us,
and the world will live as one."

most of thses veiw are probably from myself....haha i check it alot..... - Profile Counters <3 Profile Counters


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Quotes by notime4stopsigns

30 day challenge--Hell, imma do it all right now!
day 1- 15 facts about you
day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest
W. I.
day 3- your closest friends to you
Ana, Charlotte, Sebastian....
day 4- the thing you most fear

that I'll never get over my ex...
day 5- the saddest moment in your life
when I realized I still was crazy for him, and realized it was all my fault it ended...and then that he didnt care about me anymore.

day 6- favorite sport(s)...none
day 7- favorite song
too many to mention.
day 8- you deepest secret
heh! i dont think so.....
day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
nice, dorky, total nerd
day 10- last time you cried
a few days ago
day 11- thing closest to your heart
the future
day 12- when you hear this song you cry
dont have one
day 13- place wanna visit really badly
day 14- favorite book
too many favorites
day 15- favorite animal
too many to name, but mostly a cat
day 16- favorite show
soul eater i think
day 17- last time someone hurt you
heh....he still is, he just doesnt know it.
day 18- the story behind your life
ignorance, by paramore
day 19- person who scares you the most
day 20- last major injury
ran into a cement pillar in the basement of our school one day and had a huge lump on my head for a week. I was distracted by cookies. heh.
day 21- favorite youtube video
anything by the vlogbrothers
day 22- phone type
LG octane :)
day 23- biggest confection
a giant lolipop! ohh you meant confession? uh....i lead guys on sometimes, even when i'm not into them.
day 24- last break up
ew, it was a friday, december 3rd?
day 25- last heart break
heh too many to remember
day 26- the day you regret the most
december 3rd......
day 27- first friend
grace moon :)
day 28-  favorite drink
dr. pepper
day 29- a letter to someone in your family
day 30- a letter to a friend
Day two: nine things about myself
#1 I'm a pure romantic
#2 I like to read and write
#3 I care more about a personality than looks
#4 I'm there for my friends no matter what
#5 I picture my life as a movie or a novel and sometimes as an anime :)
#6 I'm definitely a fangirl
#7 I get taken for granted a lot and im looked down on by most of my friends
#8 I'm still looking for my soul mate
#9 I'd really like to murder my ex..... :P

Day three: eight ways to win my heart
Day Four: 7 things that cross my mind a lot.
Day Five: 6 things I wish I've never done
Day Six: 5 people who mean a lot to me(in no special order).
Day Seven: 4 turn offs.
Day Eight: 3 turn on's.

Day Nine: 2 adjectives that describes my life right now.
Day Ten: 1 confession

Write the first thing that comes to mind.
01 Hello: smile
02 Love: heartbreak
03 Cow: hamburgers! ehehe....
04 Peace: doves
05 Sky: clouds
06 Mr. big: uhhh....
07 Horror: movies

Answer with only one word.
01 You are a: romantic
02 You drink: dr. pepper!!!!
03 Your first kiss: wolf.
04 Where are you: my room
05 You like: being happy
06 Hate is: a feeling
07 Love is: rare
08 You dream of: drowning
09 You can’t spell: necessary?
10 Your favorite color is: gray.....

Answer either true or false. No “maybes” allowed.
01 You like a boy/girl: true
02 You would kiss someone for $10: ew, false
03 You’re addicted to facebook: true
04 You’re addicted to notes: false
05 Pink looks nice on guys?: false
06 You can’t keep a secret: false
07 You have a sibling(s): true
08 You know what an asterisk is: yah true......i think?
09 You dye your hair: false, but i want to.

Write the first thing each color makes you think of.
01 Red: blood
02 Green: grass
03 Teal: water
04 Maroon: silk
05 Silver: mercury
06 Brown: chocolate
07 White: snow
08 Peachy: peaches
09 Yellow: daffodils
10 Purple: unicorns!!!!
I notice that I get more faves on quotes when I'm in a relationship, than when I'm single. Lol.







[The sound of a broken heart
is completely silent.

It is only heard by the very best of f
 and rarely heard by the heart breaker.


I don't hate you because you're beautiful;

I hate you because you're effing stupid. :)

I'd promised myself I'd never cry over you again.

Stupid therapist for triggering my emotions.

So today I really really wanted to punch you in the face. Just for existing.
But instead me and my friend Peter ran outside in the rain.
Much better than getting suspended.