
Joined: October 22, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 91819
H E L L O < 3
I'm Megan, fourteen years old, freshman in high
school, dream job is to be a psychologist, and is a triplet.
Likes Loves: the song "Haven't met you yet" by
the one and only Michael Buble. Gumballs, Noodles &
Company, friends, the 2 dogs named Homer and Boomer,
my last name, quotes, CakeBoss, TLC, F.r.i.e.n.d.s,  
dreaming, being happy, and laughing. Hates Dislikes:
Being sad, mean people, poor grades, Lemonade, ....

Blog; 11.17.09  Okay I set up my new profile and it is so much easier then the freakin layouts, AHHH,.  Anyways, I had an Okay day today. I went to consular, i think she thought i really had my life together, I do. Ehhh, I dont have much to say today especially since i can;t remember half the day and Idkkk why.. Okay more later  ! (: Talk to me ! 
11.21.09. Okay; after a great day of going to the mall and going to see new moon( OMG AMAZING) I come home to see i was back stabbed.

just finished crying.


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Steve 8 years ago
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Welcome! Let me know if you need help. I made this site.
o_x 1 decade ago
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Read&Reply&Delete yoo.