
Joined: January 27, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 268317

I'm Jessie. I'm 14 years old and I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes. My parents are divorced, I have 5 brothers and 1 sister. I'm from CT and I'm in 9th grade. Here'ssssssss some stuff about me.
I play Field Hockey;Goalie. I do Track;Hurdles, Long Jump, High Jump, Sprinting. I play Lacrosse;Mid-field.

My favorite sport to play is Lacrosse<3 but I LOVE to watch football! I'm dead serious.
I freakin' love Tim Tebow and The Broncos. He's just so gosh darn hot!
One Direction<3 Omg, I love you guys soooo much.
I love to watch Jersey Shore. Pauly D is my babe<3
The Hunger Games is going to be the best freakin' movie ever. JoshHutchersonLiamHemsworth<3
I'm Irish, German, Hungarian, Lthuanian, Polish, and Italian.
Tongue kiss her other tongue. Skeet, skeet, skeet, watergun. Oh.My.God. Becly, look at her butt. TUNECHI.
The way you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed.
Give you this, give you that. Blow a kiss take it back. <3<3<3

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