
Joined: January 23, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 64656
well i only got this thing b.c. i wanted to comment and stuff but probally no quotes but maybe idk...

queenofcrazy09's Favorite Quotes

I love
the stage where two people have just started
to develop feelings for each other.
At that point, there were no worries or as much problems.
That moment where the two tell each other
they “like” the other,
I think is my favorite part.
Even before the relationship starts...

You die twice.
Once when your physical body dies and once more when your name is spoken for the last time.

No this isn't a pretty quote & it's not for favs.
But please like this so that we can get Steve to see it. 

We should have a HOPE categorie on here. 
So that everybody knows that no matter what there is always hope. & so that whenever
somebody is hurting that they
know that they are not alone..

We all have that one guy,
who gives the best hugs. the ones where his arms go all the way around you.
the ones where you instantly relax when you feel him against you, where you
xx  i  n  s  t  a  n  t  l  y     f  e  e  l     s  a  f  e  xx
when he completely engulfs you and gives you a
little squeeze, 
and   x  lifts  x  you  x  off  x  your  x  feet.
&in that moment, 
everything is perfect.

comment who yours is(:


It's Kind of Messed up isn't it?
 How all of the sudden someone wakes up and just decides never to talk to you again. No reason. No explanation. No words said. They just leave you hanging like you never meant crap to them. And what hurts the most?
  How they make it look so easy, like you never mattered to them in the first place


I'm Tired of Being the Girl Who...

Loves - But isn't loved.
Listens - But is never listened to.
Smiles - Even though it hurts so bad .
Is strong for everyone - But cries herself to sleep.

You can come to anytime - But never has anyone there for her.
Watches her freinds be happy - While she sits home in her bed crying.
Watches people fall in and out of love - Yet can't even get her own cat to sit with her.
Tells everyone to let it go, life goes on - While she thinks about all of the negatives every second of everyday.
Being there for eveyone else at their times of distress - And nobody's there for her when she's in distress
Wants nothing more than for her freinds to be happy - Yet hasn't been truly happy in so long it hurts.

Pretends to be happy for him  - But wants nothing more than to be in his arms.

Acts like life couldn't be any better - But falls undone when she's alone.
Watches her freinds be happy - With a yearning in her eyes.
Acts like it doesn't bother her - But cries about it later. 
Is able to act so well - Except around him.
Helps - But isn't helped.

I'm Tired of Being the Girl Who Can't Be Saved.


is not a justification for drinking,
one night stands,
doing drugs,
& being an a**hole.
You do only live once.
Don't screw it up.



I liked witty so much more a year ago.

before, when people could come on and post whatever was on their mind, and not be judged.
When we all united because of the things we have been through and the advice we could give to others.

You could get a top quote by just expressing your feelings.

We could scroll through top quotes and laugh, or we could scroll through a relate to almost every single one.

More than half the quotes are pointless. Such as "favorite is your single, comment if you're taken"

That doesn't matter. They do it for top quotes. The quotes mean NOTHING now. Instead you can come on and read every single word One Direction has ever said.

Just a vent.. Anyone who has had a witty for more than year will understand and agree.


am i the only girl in the world right now that can't stand one direction!? seriously sick of them already
just saying
This quote does not exist.