
Joined: March 1, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 279742

Hey! My name is Shaely! I'm 13, i blow out my candles on the 14th of December. I'm currently single and ready to mingle;p My besties are, Lexa, Lesse, Liv, Madi, Shana, Sara, Jess, Nicole, Nicole, Nicole (yes there's three), Brittany, and i bet there's someone i forgot and i'm really sorry if i did... I recently visited my sister who goes to western connecticut for siblings weekend. i had a really good time!!! I met awesome people like Laura, and Miles!!<333 The 8th grade dance is coming up, my date is Lexa, LEXA SAVE ME A SLOW DANCE!!!(; I'm obsessed w/ soccer. I love One Direction, my favorite is Nialllll!!!!<333 (Fingers crossed that i get those tickets!) I'm so excited for highschool next year, and by the way chicka, yeah these bitches at boulevard do hate you, you know who i'm talking to... So cheers to the crazy friends i have, the drama we start, and the cute boys we meet!(; Love ya gurrlllsss.
Lexa, looking forward to chillin like a villan w/ you watching four weddings, breaking some dart boards, and sitting through many more awkward ccd classes!;D Your house? ;*


shaelyp8d's Favorite Quotes

when you get to that part of a
book where the title suddenly just

makes sense

f o r m a t   j i m m y 3 6 5 

does anyone else suddenly feel insanely insecure when
someone incredibly attractive looks you in the eye?


more like mistleNO.
hahahahaha i'm funny.

someone please date me.


Pants without pockets: why

Pants with fake pockets: okay now you're just being rude

There are 364 days
until Christmas
and people already have their lights up.



is it just me or does christmas feel weird this year?


i had a dream where i killed all the shirtless
guys with "swag" and their duckface girlfriends, too. it was called the "yolocaust."

I use jokes from Witty in real life,
and my friends thiink I'm some kind of comedic genius.

You're weird.
You're my new best friend ♥
This quote does not exist.