
Joined: May 29, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 110416

shinigami2512's Favorite Quotes

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Your spending Valentines Day single.

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Your spending Valentines Day taken.

Lets see what gets most[:

Boy: Make a 'C' with your right hand.
Girl: ...Okay. *Makes a 'C'
Boy: *Makes a 'C' with left hand and puts it up to girls right hand.*
Girl: Aww it's a heart?
Boy: No it's my stomach. It's empty. Go make me a sandwich.
i really don't see the big deal of a guy and girl having a sleep over..
like legit.

-Fave if you have kneed yourself in the
f a c e((:

 There are three types of couples in the world today... 
There's the couple that's too shy to make a mistake, and never take the risk to make the relationship worth the effort...   

There's the couple that breaks up every other day, yet is back together before they even have time to tell their friends about it...

Theres the couple that you rarely see these days, they're not afraid to
take risks,  and they're not afraid to tell each other how they really feel, and they make average human mistakes, and they get into average human fights.. 
but after each fight, they still walk away holding hands


i want a guy...
who would move my hair
away from my eyes
and kiss me.
hold my hand in line
at the mall and make
all the girls jealous.
someone who would sing
to me at random moments.
who would let me
sleep on their chest.
a boy who would get mad at someone
if they called me ugly or was mean to me.
i want someone who would call me
three times a day if he
went away.
someone who would
let me gossip to him
and he would just smile
and agree with everything i said.
he would throw stuffed animals
at me when i acted dumb and then
kiss me a million times.
someone who would
make fun of me
just to make me laugh.
he would take me to the park and
put his hands around my waist and
give me bear hugs all the time.
he would tell all his friends
about me and smile when he did it.
and we'd makeout in the pouring rain.
he would never be afraid to say
"i love you."
infront of his friends.
we'd argue about silly things
and then makeup.
i want a boy that would kiss me
at midnight on new years and
count stars with me.
who would stay home with me
on a friday just to help me
make dinner and watch movies
under the same blanket.
someone who would tell me
im beautiful, but not too often.
who would make me laugh like
no one else ever could.
but mostly i want someone who would
be my best friend
and never break my heart.

This quote does not exist.

The reason why

He breaks up with you through

A text it isn't because

He is a jerk it's

Because it will hurt him too much to

see you cry..



If I Had A Penny
For every time I thought
of you, I would have 1 
penny; because I thought
of you, and you never left.

mine. please dont steal.