
Joined: November 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 237785

usmclilsis2's Favorite Quotes

Format by XxprettixX


I just want someone to love,
Someone to trust,   
Someone like you.

 Format by XxprettixX Removal of credit is punishable by DEATH.

I can't do thish*t anymore..

I just can't..
Wishing you had an accent different than everyone else.<3

Things that hurt
 -Being unsure of how someone feels about you.
  -Feeling like they are mad at you.
-Being misunderstood by people you care about.
-Being judged by people you care about.
-Feeling like you lost something that was never yours.
-Feeling like you’re doing too much.
-Thinking you aren’t doing enough.
-Not knowing if you should say something.
-Worried about what they’ll think if you do say it.
-Feeling like you care more than they do.


Name: Amanda
Nick Name: monkey
Birthday: march 10 
Current Location: my house
Eye Color: gray/green
Hair Color: strawberry brown w/blonde
Height: 4’10
Lefty or Righty: righty 
Zodiac Sign: picses
Drive: No
Favs: Hanging out with friends
Color: blue
Number: 12 & 14
Band: idk
Music: don’t know
TV Show: NCIS and victorious
Movie: blind side and avatar
Kind Of Movie: romantic and adventurous
Cartoon: garfield
Sport: dancing and softball
Fast Food: McDonnalds
Food: Steak and tacos
Ice Cream: Chocolate
Cereal: cheerios
Candy: jolly ranchers 
Drink: sprite
Quote: I don’t know
Do You:
Have Any Siblings: 1
Have Any Pets: dog
Have A Job: nope 
Have A Cell Phone: no
Have Any Fears: no 
Have a favorite team: yep 
Have a favorite holiday: easter or christmas
Sing In The Shower: sometimes
Want To Go To College: maybe
Get Along With Your Parents: kinda
Have Any Tattoos: No
Ever Been In Love: maybe
Cheated: no
Have A Crush On Someone: my bf
Been Dumped: no
Dumped Someone: yes
This Or That:
Fruit Or Veges: Fruits.
Black Or White: black
Lights On Or Off: Off
TV Or Movie: Movie
Rock Or Rap: Rap.
Chocolate Or Vanilla: chocolate <3

   We spend every waking moment together

we might as well make it forever <3

That Smile.
 Its Not Just Any Smile.
See That Smile..That Smile Is To Protect Others Around Them From Getting Hurt
Protecting Them From Getting Asked Questions
Protecting Them From Herself
From That Life That She Hides Away
That Smile Is The Lock To All The Pain
Its Never Just A Smile
Its So Such More ...

Smile for a better day
Smile when no one is smiling
Smile when things get hard on you
Smile when you find yourself in a
dark hole
Smile at all times no matter what happens just smile

and she goes to school

with that smile

that perfect smile

that smile everyone loves

that smile that no one looks past

that smile that fools everyone

that smile that hides everything

that smile that everyone believes

that fake smile


Just a smile in the halls....
just a smile that never falls..

Just a smile that ignores me...
Just a smile that weakens my knees.

Just a smile that I hate to miss.
Just a smile that sends my thoughts to abyss,

But when he smiles I can't help but wonder.
do you smile because you can't hear the thunder?
do you smile because she said yes?
or do you smile because you don't know stress?
It hurts to know you're okay,

but i'm stranded with clouds of gray
but time is up and shattered now
i entered the maze and now i can't get out

Just a smile, just a smile, just a smile. . .
That was killing me all the while

sparkly_rain_bows321's format-my poem, kinda lame i know