
Joined: June 24, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 80587

Well Lieek Go To Mee New witty account


Baii ~

x_ChaiiChaii_x's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
So here's to the friends i've lost.
the friends i've gained.
the back-stabbers,
two faces,
the a$$holes,
the b*tches,
the fakes.
Once again, [ thanks ] a lot,

You only make me

   I love him, but I'm not
             in love with him.
                                                                                          Does that make sense?
Yes, I love my friends.
We don't talk about eachother behind our backs.

[Like you could for hours.]
We create eachother.
[You tear down eachother.]

We borrow eachother's clothes.
[Where as you just steal.]
We have fun together.
[You pretend to.]
We don't care what people think.
[You live to please.]
We really love eachother.
[You just use eachother.]
There's something new.
 I went to visit my grandparents. When I walked into
their house, my grandpa yelled, "SUP, GIRLFRANN?" 
He is my new favorite family member.

MLIA = lovee
You're on the phone with your girlfriend;  she's upset.
She's going off about   [(  something  ) that you said
cause she d o e s n ' t get your humor like I do.  I'm in
my room, it's a {{ typical }} Tuesday night. I'm listenin'
to the kind of music she doesn't like. And she'll never
know your story like I do. But she wears (  short skirts  ),
I wear t-shirts, she's {(  cheer captain  )} and I'm on the
bleachers.   Dreaming 'bout the day when you'll wake
up and [[  find  ]] that what you're lookin' for has been
here the whole time.  If you » could see « that I'm the
{(   one who understands you, been here all along   )}
s  o   -   w  h  y   -   c  a  n  '  t    -   y  o  u   -   s  e  e  ?

You Belong With Me

-- For xballerrrx12x's context --

I've learned alot in the past year.
I've learned how to ignore the feeling that my world is crashing down on me and that my heart might colapse in the process.
I've learned how to bury my pain deeep down inside, and hope that it never comes back up.
I've learned to never say the word "forever" because when forever ends, the blow hits you twice as hard.
I've learned not to get close to anyone, because as so as i do, they leave me.
I've learned to stop wishing at 11:11, on shooting stars, or on birthday candles.
I've learned that life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain.
I'm trying to learn to stop trying, because you're never comming back, no matter as hard as i cry or as hard as it hurts to accept it.
I've learned to try to live without you, but guess what?! its not working.
I've learned alot in the past year...
But the main thing i learned is to just pretend that i'm happy, shut up, and smile.
{no matter how much i'm hurting}


Venting. change the colors, do whatever you want with it.
SF if you see this, your my bestfriend! and i miss you like hell!
when people ask me who my bestfriend is, i miss being abel to
point to the retarded boy skipping down the hall, and say proudly
"that's the boy that means the world to me!"
This quote does not exist.
 A man was in a locker room,
changing after playing golf.
Suddenly, his phone rang.
He put it on speaker for
the rest of the guys to hear.

"Hey hun!" A woman said.
"Hey babe." The man said.
"Oh my gosh, I just found this beautiful leather jacket... but it was 200 bucks... can I get it?"
The man replied, "Of course baby! Anything for you."
"Thanks! And by the way, I passed the dealership and saw the car we want, but its 20,000 dollars."
"Oh, who cares! Get it with all the options and features!" The man replied.
"Really! Oh, and lastly, the house we wanted is back on the market... the asking price is 750,000, and they expect it'll go fast." She said.
"Okay then offer 900,000- we'll be sure to get it then!"
"Ok! Great hun. I gotta go. I love you! Byee!"
"Bye." He shut the phone.
Every man in the locker room looked at him in disbelief.
Then the man said....

"Does anyone know whose phone this is?"