
Joined: November 16, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 134201
Oh hi there :) 
Dodo is the nickname, no further information is needed ;) 

I love you :) 


xdxoxdxo's Favorite Quotes

You take the breath right out of me.


full credit to Faceless,
just love this quote.


» «
When I get sad,
I stop being sad and be

True story.
i just cant sleep tonight ,
knowing that things 'aint right ,
its in the papers , its on the tv ,
children are crying , soldiers are dying , some people dont have a home .
i know theres sunshine behind that rain , i know theres good times beyond pain .
hey , can you tell me how i can make a change ?
i close my eyes and i could see a better day , i close my eyes , and pray ! <3
**Justin Bieber ; pray (: iloveyou JB<33**

L is for the way you look at me
is for the only one I see
is very, very extraordinary
is even more than anyone that you adore and

Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you...

A girl I know may have cancer. And no one will care because this quote isn't pretty and colourful.
30 Days, 30 Letters.

Day 1 - Your BestFriend.

Day 2 - Your Crush.

Day 3 - Your Parents.

Day 4 - Your Sibling. (Or Closest Relative.)

Day 5 - Your Dreams.

Day 6 - A Stranger.

Day 7 - Your Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Love/Crush

Day 8 - Your Favorite Internet Friend.

Day 9 - Someone You Wish You Could Meet.

Day 10 - Someone You Don't Talk Too As Much As You'd Like Too.

Day 11 - A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk Too.

Day 12 - The Person You Hate Most/Cause You Alot Of Pain.

Day 13 - Someone You Wish Could Forgive You.

Day 14 - Someone You've Drifted Away From.

Day 15 - The Person You Miss The Most.

Day 16 - Someone That's Not In Your State/Country.

Day 17 - Someone From Your Childhood.

Day 18 - The Person That You Wish You Could Be.

Day 19 - Someone That Pesters Your Mind. (Good Or Bad.)

Day 20 - The One That Broke Your Heart The Hardest.

Day 21 - Someone You Judged By Their First Impression.

Day 22 - Someone You Want Too Give A Second Chance Too.

Day 23 - The Last Person You Kissed.

Day 24 - The Person That Gave You Your Favortie Memory.

Day 25 - The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Worst Of Times.

Day 26 - The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise Too.

Day 27 - The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day.

Day 28 - Someone That Changed Your Life.

Day 29 - The Peson That You Want Too Tell Everything Too, But Too Afraid Too.

Day 30 - Your Reflection In The Mirror.

I get bullied daily.
Every day, a kid named Jacob insults me, or hits me.
Today, he kicked me in the foot and called me a freak.
During 7th hour, he snapped my pencil in two.
He said, "Carly is SO ugly!"
"I wanna kill you right now. WATCH OUT."
"You're so annoying!"
and he also said:
"Your mom is SUCH a big crack head. She almost sold you for 4 cigarettes!"
I break down inside.
I wanna cry so bad.
But I hold a brave face and pretend he doesn't scare me.
The truth is,
he does.

Can I just have one favorite to show that

I am loved? By someone?


Right Now .. At this exact moment
The person
you will fall madly in love with , the person that will care for you like no other, and the person that will end up meaning the world to you
is walking the earth waiting for someone as beautiful as you to walk into their life.
So whenever your in doubt just remember...
Someone out there is waiting for you too 


Fave if...

your left hand is touching your face. 



if your legs are crossed.


Justin Drew Bieber
was on
March 1, 1994

on 12:56 AM
on a Tuesday
in a St. Judes hospital
in Stratford, Ontario, Canada
