
Joined: December 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 250100
me up!
Hiyyyaa(: my name is maggie. im 14 years old. my birthday is november 5th. i absolutly love life and my friends there amazing i dont no what i would do without them. oh and i absolutly love JUSTIN DREW BIEEBR

xodreamOUTloudxo's Favorite Quotes


One Directiothings#137

The Boys said that they will not introduce themselves as One Direction without Zayn. Awww :')

Don't tell me I'm beautiful through a computer screen.
You can't see me, you just want faves.

One Directiothings#138

Interviwer: Describe Zayn
Harry: He's our bad boy
Zayn: Why?
Liam: You're the only one that has a beard.
Zayn: I forgot to shave!



forgeterr's signature format. Please don't remove credit. Or I will hunt you down. You do NOT want to get on my bad side.

There is something really special
                                                                             About a rolley chair.

                 W a n na  k n o w  me...?
                            Add me on witty, not Facebook.  

our science class: *being obnoxiously loud*

teacher: "hey, everybody..."

 class: *ignores him*
teacher: "kids!"
class: *still ignoring*
teacher: "CHILDREN!"
class: *keeps talking*

teacher: *stands on desk and yells*


everyone: *dead silence*

teacher: "thank you. now do your work."


We all have had a crush
who we thought was absolutely gorgeous at the time,
but afterwards.... ewww,  how did i like him?


Anyone else remember....
The movie called, "My Date with the President's Daughter"


forgeterr's signature format. Please don't remove credit. Or I will hunt you down. You do NOT want to get on my bad side.
Favorite For A Name
That Sounds Cute With Yours
I will do them all

i just wish a guy would look at me

And say man! i got to have her<33

Format by Sandrasaurus