
Joined: July 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 190856

xorunawaylove's Favorite Quotes


Someday, someone is going to look at you 
with a light in their eyes you've never seen.
They'll look at you like you're everything 
they've been searching for their entire lives.
Just wait for it, it's coming♥
 Remember Me?
I once meant everything to you.



Me & my

Best Friend

can communicate

just with face

You better
Wake up each day,and know how lucky you are
t o  b e  h i s  g i r l

This quote does not exist.

"There are two types of listeners,
the ones who actually care and the ones who are simply curious."


Stay Strong.
Make them wonder how you're still smiling.
This quote does not exist.

I look over at you and think

'Wow, I wish I could be yours one day.'

ThatsSoMeee ♥