
Joined: November 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 234419
heeyyyyyy, my name is Brianna, im 12 years old! i have 2 best friends that i love. im not on witty all the time sooo. im smart. i have a boyfriend.<3. i make my own quotes half of the time. well follow me! please!!

xxxcrazybaby21xxx's Favorite Quotes

If it's cold outside
show the world the warmth of your smile


If i had to choose between

loving you and breathing

i would use my 

last breath to say

"I love you."

This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.


Wanna see a magic trick? PUFF. you're single. FYI, we're breaking up.
Wanna hear a joke? Our relationship. FYI, I don't care.



Who else remembers

Polly Pockets

(i ♥boobies!)

A boy in my school got in trouble for wearing ^^^^ that bracelet

and a shirt that said

"Big or Small, Let's Save them all."

in support of a family friend who had breast cancer.

The school took it to offense and gave him detentions.

He had no intention of being "peverted" or funny

Fave is this is wrong.