
Joined: July 24, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 117900

they named me katlyn<33. i blow my candles out on septemer 20th. im a sporty chick and love playing volleyball:*

Quotes by xxxkp23xxx

my boyfriend told me to pick him or volleyball
im really gunna miss him.

i never thought it would happpen this way but 
i think im falling for you;*

roses are red, violets are blue. sugar is sweet and so are you.

but the roses are wilted, the violets are dead. the sugar bowl is empty and my wrists stained red.

life is like a rainbow;
you need both sun and rain for it to appear<33.

Time started: 3:27 pm
Gender: girl
Birthday: spetember 20
Siblings:  yesss.
Eye color: brown
Shoe size: 9 1/2
Height: 5'8"
What are you wearing: shirtt and underwearrr.
Where do you live: new york
Righty or lefty: righty
Can you make a dollar in change right now?: sure
Who are your closest friends: shawa and ashley.
Best place for a date? beach (:
Where is your fav place to shop:  the mall !
Favorite kind of plant? idc 
Fave Color? teal.
Fave Number: 23
Fave Boys Name: kristofer
Fave Girls Name: haley.
Fave Sport: volleyball && softball
Fave Month: jun- august.
movies: alot (:
Juice: oj
Finger: middle
Breakfast food: grench toast and eggs
Favorite cartoon character: sponge bob.
Given anyone a bath: no
Smoked: yess.
Made yourself throw-up: nope.
Gone skinny dipping: yesss.
Eaten a dog: hot dog (:
Put your tongue on a frozen pole? yeep
Loved someone so much it made you cry? kinda.
Broken a bone? nopee (=
Played truth or dare: of course !
Been in a physical fight: yesss.
Been in a police car: not yettt
Been on a plane: yuppp.
Come close to dying: no.
Been in a sauna: yeah
Been in a hot tub: mhm
Cried when someone died: yepp
Cried in school: kinda
Fell off your chair: yepp 
Wait for someone's phone call all night: no
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yesss
Saved e-mails: yesss
Fallen for one of your best guy friends: yes.
Made out with JUST a friend? yessss
Used someone: nooo.
What is...
Whats your good luck charm? myselfff
Best song you ever heard: ridin solo.
What's your bedroom like: pinkkk.
Last thing you said: iloveyou.
What is beside you?  ummmh alot of thingss.
Last thing you ate: dinnner
What kind of shampoo do you use? herbal essances
Best thing that has happened to you this year: my gf.
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: wasting my time on some poeple

Have you had...
Chicken pox: idk
peSore Throat: yep
Stitches: no
Broken nose: yes

Do You.........
Believe in love at first sight: kinda
Like school: sometimes
What schools have you gone to? lots.
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: noo!
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: my bestfriendss. and my gf.
Who was the last person that called you: idk
Who was the last person you slow danced with: my exx.
What makes you laugh the most? people
What makes you smile? everything

Last Person..
You yelled at: mom
Who broke your heart: haleyy. but its all good noww.
Told you that they love you: haley <333.
your loudest friend: ummmmh i ahve lots off them.

Do you/Are You..
Do you like filling these out? sure
Do you wear contacts or glasses: none.
Do you like yourself: kinda.
Do you get along with your family: mostly
Stolen anything over $50: no
Obsessive Compulsive? yes.
Anorexic? nno
Suicidal? nnope

Final questions
What are you listening to right now? music
What did you do yesterday: notihngggg
Got any awards: yeppers
What car do you wish to have: edge.
Where do you want to get married: somewhere pretty
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: booob sizee.
Good driver: idk,not old enough
Good Singer: nno
Have a lava lamp: nope 
How many remote controls are in your house: 6-8
double jointed: yup.
What do you dream about: weird thingss.
Last time you showered: about to take one after thiss.
Last time you took a bath: a while back
Scary or happy movies: happy !
Chocolate or white chocolate:  chocolate
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: dr.
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: muddddd
Vanilla or chocolate:  chocolate
Summer or winter:  summer !
Silver or Gold: silver
Diamond or pearl: diamond
sunset or Sunrise: set =)
Sprite or 7up: bothh.
Cats or dogs: bothhh.
Coffee or tea: coffee
Phone or in person: depends
Indoor or outdoor: outdoor

End Time: 3:36 pm
Spell your name and see what it means;
A: hot B: loves people C: good kisser D: makes people laugh E: Has gorgeous eyes F: really wild  and crazy, adore you G: very outgoing H:easy to fall in love with I: loves to laugh and smile J: is really sweet K: really sillyL: loves to laugh and smile M: makes dating fun N: loving and caring O: has one of the best personalities ever P: popular with all types of people Q: hyperactive R: good boyfriend or girlfriend S:a really good friendT: very good kisser U: textaholic V: not judgmental W: very broad minded X: never let people tell you what to do Y: is loved by everyone Z: can be sweet and funny at times

k really sillly
a hot
t very good kisser
l loves to kaugh and smile
y is loved by everyone
n loving and caring
