Quotes added on Tuesday, August 25 2009

Y I could be fun, if you want. I could be pensive, smart, supersticious, brave? And I can be
light on my feet. I could be whatever you want. You just tell me what you want, and I'm gonna be that for you. Y

-Noah, The Notebook Y
cause we belong together now
y e a h h h                        x
&&+ am i the only one who doesnt
understand why people
ask other people to do fan art .::for::. them??


ill be there forever, you will see that its better,
all our hopes and our dreams will come true, 
& i will not dissapoint you, i will be right there for you,
till the end, the end of time,
please be mine.

I never knew that feeling
That feeling when the person you love
••►doesn't love you back••
That   sudden   pain   in   your   heart
[whenever you see him]

Whenever you (hear his) name
And wherever you go
his face seemed to haunt your mind
I -never- knew that feeling
U n t i l n o w

So live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets, because at one point, everything you did was exactly what you wanted.

i probably shouldn't have wasted my summer on the internet...
one night
we were watching fireworks
you held me close so i wouldnt fall
off the roof of my house watching them.the truth is:
you told me you really cared about me, but do you really?
you always told me you loved me, and hugged me.sometimes you even
kissed me in front of your friends and i thought this relationship was real not fake
but i guess i was wrong.they were right about you, you and your lies. and
how you tricked girls thinking it was true, they fall for it just like me &
you.some say boys aren't jerks, most of them aren't.they just use
us to see how far we will go for them, the truth is, we'd die
for them.to see the smile, the eyes, how they made
us feel inside.the butterflies in our stomachs
we'd spend over an hour getting ready
for one stupid date.you lie
you cheat but hey
we love you
all the

<3* all mine no jocking
we never thought*
t d d ) w y
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