Quotes added on Tuesday, June 15 2010

I close my eyes as I lie in bed
so many thoughts race through my head
Is it me? Or is it you?
If it's me, what did I do?
I think it's you, though I'll never tell
How you make love, a living hell.
I'm addicted loving you,
a n d y o u ' r e a d d i c t e d t o m y l o v e t o o 

Not at the table, Carlos

                                                                                                  gotta love the hangover

judging by the volume of my music
my the age of 33, i will need a

And I just learned how to do Backgrounds and fades.
Alan Garner: Can I ask you another question?
Lisa: Sure.
Alan Garner: You probably get this a lot. This isn't the real Caesar's Palace is it?
Lisa: What do you mean?
Alan Garner: Did, umm... did Caesar live here?
Lisa: No.
Alan Garner: I didn't think so.
 At 11:11 I always wish for the same thing...

For me and you to last...

-It's   not   fair   how   quotes   only   get favorited   because   of   how   "pretty" they   are. Think   about   those   girls who   spend   forever   on   just   that one  quote,  hoping  it'll  be  good  enough  to  be  noticed.. come  on  noww..

& with my broken heart, I scream.
But in this deaf & blind world, no one but me can hear the sound of my soul in pain.
& it was all just a waste of breath.

Every now and then,

I think about you.

All I can do is smile.

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