Quote Quote #2576670
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xolovelikewoexo 1 decade ago
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I love you sooo muchh. No one see's you as "the fat girl", but the beautiful, sweet person you are. I know how hard you've been trying and I have soo mcuh respect for you. I would never be able to work as hard as you do. Keep your head high girlyy and remeber, if they jusge you it's just because it makes them feel better about themselves. I love youu! <3
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WhenImUpset101 1 decade ago
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Thanks That means a lot <3
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xXiloveyouuXx 1 decade ago
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Looking at your picture you are absolutely gorgeous and if anyone ever tries to tell you different just ignore it. Girl, you dint need to be self concious! Just live your life!
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posted January 1, 1970 at 12:00am UTC tagged with quote

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