Story Quote #4357467
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R.I.P TYLER DASHER a 13 month old baby boy punched to deth by

a 13 month old baby boy
punched to deth  by his own mother
i am discusted.
this makes me cry.:(
the mother was 20 years old too young to drink
but yet she came home drunk and when her mother left for
work TYLER woke up and cried the mother was still drunk
she punched TYLER repetitvely she went bak to sleep when
he was done criying woke up a few hours later relized she just killed her son:(
she went to as near by semitary layed him down and covered him up
a few hours later called the cops and pretended someone took him
they figured out she murtered her child and now is in prison on Suicidal watch.
Shame on you Shelby Dasher!!!!!

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skinnyminikitty 1 decade ago
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omfg if i ever see tht mother fucken bitchi am going to shoot her
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posted November 16, 2011 at 7:00pm UTC tagged with story

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